Monday, January 2, 2012

Weight Loss Challenge

These past few months I've found out that I like online challenges. I am doing the 52 week challenge but now I have decided to join another! It's called the iVillage Kick Start Your Weight Loss Community Challenge. It starts today so join up with me and let's get healthy together. It is a 6 week-long challenge to lose up to 15 pounds by Valentine's Day. After that I plan on going back to my pre-baby routine of working out 3-4 days a week.

*Just another tip* I don't know if it's just me but all those cardio work out DVDs showed very little results. BUT what worked wonders for me is yoga and Pilates. After having my first baby I took a yogalates class at a local community college. In only one semester 2 x's a week I lost all the post-baby weight. Not just that but I felt great both physically and mentally. That's something I never felt with other fad work outs. So if you don't like jumping around or get too tired to even finish a cardio work out try out yoga. Remember to start easy and don't worry of you can't do a position perfectly. That takes time and just do a modified version and only go as far as you can.

You don't really need all the fancy gear either. If you have a carpet area that will work fine. Also, a lot of work out videos are online on Youtube. Later on I'll start posting recommended beginner videos. Just as a little warning is that a lot of main stream 'beginner' yoga videos are actually really hard. So if you plan on buying a DVD look at online reviews first to get an idea of what you're buying.

Wishing you all the best on achieving your New Year's goals,


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