Sunday, January 29, 2012

Plant Profile: Burpee's Fordhook Zucchini

Name: Burpee's Fordhook Zuccinni

Botanical Name: Family: Cucurbitaceae Genus: Cucurbita Species: pepo

Zone: 3-12

When to Plant: Plant after last frost

Sun: Full

Sow: Direct Sow

Planting Depth: 1inch

Spacing: 36 inches

Germination: 4 - 11 days

Maturity: 57 Days

Height: 34- 40 inches

Spread: 18 inches

pH Range: 5.6 - 7.5

Yield: High yielding plant

Description: Hybrid developed by Burpee which produces black/green stripped zucchini. This bush plant produces broad dark green leaves.

Harvest: For full flavor harvest when the fruit is 7 to 10 inches long.

Seed Saving: Seed saving is not recommended because this plant is a hybrid so seeds saved may not produce plant with the same quality as the parent plant.

Growing Tips: Add fertilizer just as the plant starts to produce fruit to increase production.

Problems: Squash bugs, aphids, squash vine bores, powdery mildew

Author's Notes: This is a must have for new vegetable gardeners or anyone looking for an easy high yielding summer squash. This was one of the first vegetables that I ever grew, which is odd since at that time I hated zucchini. But I grew it and I was determined to eat it. And boy was I surprised! I now officially love zucchini and this plant proves the old vegetable gardener's saying "If you haven't grown it, then you haven't really tasted it." Store bought zucchini has nothing on this supper tough plant.

Back then I figured you just stick seeds in the ground, add water, then watch it grow.  When every thing else died, had stunted growth, and didn't even produce anything; this guy marched on. It grew even in poor soil, no fertilizer, as well as ofte forgetting to weed and water. Even though I did everything wrong my three hardy plants produced enough fruit for one to two meals a week until the frost killed them.


Sauteed Zucchini

Zucchini loaf bread

Grilled Zucchini

References/Recommended Sites: Fordhook Zucchini Summer Squash

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